23 May, 2011

Trecerea de pietoni

Citind articolul lui zoso mi-am dat seama ca la noi spiritul de autoconservare este aproape inexistent sau poate ne-am obisnuit prea mult sa aiba grija altii de noi ca noi avem problemele noastre. 

Lucru care nu este deloc rau dar avand in vedere ca pana si selectia naturala merge prost si incet la noi. Dar ce merge incet (si prost) merge sigur asa ca vom fi si noi civilizati.

Mai jos este un clip si o poveste interesanta.

"The citation issued to the driver of a sports utility vehicle that ran over a 4-year-old child in a stroller last week in Scottsdale has been dismissed, police said Thursday.

As part of the investigation, officers viewed the May 9 video from the red-light enforcement camera at the intersection at 90th Street and Shea Boulevard, police said.

Officers were called to the intersection about 1 p.m. after a black GMC SUV struck the woman and child as they were crossing Shea from north to south in the crosswalk, police said.

While they were in the crosswalk, the traffic signal changed to green for the eastbound vehicle, police said.

In the video released Thursday, the SUV driver appeared to have the view of the crossing pedestrians partially obscured by a large-profile vehicle. The SUV began to move on the green light at the same time the mother and child emerged into the SUV's path, police said. The video shows the mother apparently picking up her pace to make it across.

The SUV rolled over the stroller and child, but the child was not seriously injured. The mother also was not injured.

"The video shows the pedestrians run into the path of the vehicle that was so close that it was difficult for the driver to yield," a police spokesman said. "Given the new evidence presented by the video, the investigating officer has requested the original citation given to the SUV driver be dismissed."

In Arizona, there are more than 1,500 pedestrian-vehicle collisions every year, police said. Scottsdale police warn pedestrians not to assume drivers see them and make sure to allow enough time to safely cross multi-lane streets."

Interesanta si de retinunt este fraza: "Scottsdale police warn pedestrians not to assume drivers see them and make sure to allow enough time to safely cross multi-lane streets" .
Acest lucru trebuie luat in calcul si de ai nostri pedestrians in cazul in care vor sa se mai bucure de minunata noastra tara nu?

Mai jos si clipul prezentat ca dovada in proces:

Sper ca se vor lumina si autoritatiile noastre in cazurile de genul si ca se va crea o oarecare disciplina atat de partea soferiilor cat si de partea pietonilor, unde vina este impartita de la caz la caz...

1 comment:

  1. De apreciat autoritatile scotiene! Sunt curioasa daca se intampla acest accident in tarisoara noastra cum ar fi decurs lucrurile...
    Ar trebuii sa fim cu totii atenti, atat pietonii cat si soferii, dar cand vad si soferii ce pietoni sunt...
    Pana la urma totul tine de instinctul de conservare al fiecaruia, dar sa tinem cont ca in momentul in care ai un copil in grija trebuie sa fii de doua ori mai atent.
